Friday, July 25, 2008

Week 2 - Getting the Hang of This

Despite sporadic outbursts of panicked cry, and unpredictable sleep patterns, our first week as parents to Lock (nickname as determined by on-line poll) has been rather smooth. Lock made his first visit to the pediatrician (he is back at his birth weight, although he shrunk from 20.5 inches to 19.75), and has rested in a wide array of seating and sleeping devices. We believe his favorite for now is the bouncy chair (thanks Carol Boyle!), although this seems to be evolving. The dogs have take quite a shine to Lock - Sophie is constantly sniffing him to see if it really Lock or an impostor baby, and Leo stays true to his form by licking Lock every chance he gets.

We'll be posting pictures of week 2 under the link at below - sometimes the updates are daily, sometimes every other day. Look forward to posting next week. Enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Liz and Ben had a Baby!

On July 17, 2008, Lachlan Philip Price made his grand entrance into the world at 3:09 pm. Weighing in at a respectable 7lbs. 9oz. and measuring 20.5 inches in length, Lachlan (pronounced Lock-lan)has overwhelmed us with joy. As you can see by clicking on the link below, Lachlan is healthy, handsome and strong. He bears a strong resemblance to his mother (thus, the good looks), and was even born with her six fingers!

Thanks to all friends and family who showed up to help us welcome Lachlan, and who called and/or sent flowers. We will be updating with new pictures every few days! (Editors Note: It was brought to our attention that we had Lachlan's birthday as 7/19. It is, of course, 7/17. We regret the error and thank Grandpa Spruyt for pointing it out)

Friday, July 4, 2008

The New Baby is Here! Well, maybe just the room, for now

After months of back breaking labor, contractor delays, furniture recalls, and around 518 drops of the Allen wrench, we finally have the nursery in a good place. All we are waiting for is a small rug and a surge in motivation to put together a bookshelf from IKEA (a process for which I will have one of my fingers surgically replaced with an Allen wrench). Many thanks to Jim O., Nicole, Mike from Mr. Sandless, paint guy from Home Depot with 5 teeth, and all the friends and family that contributed to making this room cozy. Click on the link below to go to the album.