Tuesday, February 24, 2009

January / February 2009

Hi Family,

We welcomed in the new year, and are now deeped in the duldrums of winter. Luckily, we have Lachlan to keep us laughing and on our toes. Lachlan has really come a long way in the last two months, and can now:

- When positioned, sit-up
- Eat solid (well, what passes for solid in terms of baby) food in his high-chair
- Play with plastic toys
- Parallel park a 24' Ryder moving truck

We have posted some pictures and also some VIDEOS! Liz was awesome enough to get the family a really cheap video camera that takes half decent pictures (curse that Chinese ingenuity!). Anyway, we apologize for the lapse in posting, but hope to do soe more often as we just got a new computer. These go all the way back to Christmas, so bear with us.
