Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall 2009

Check out Lachlan's latest and greatest adventures including:

1) A trip to the Please Touch Museum (check out the video of him doing his best Billy Joel impersonation)
2) A trip to the Linvilla Pumpkin Patch
3) His Halloween as Mickey Mouse (he did not like the ears or the gloves)

Click on Lachlan's picture for more pictures.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lachlan's First Birthday and more!

Thank you to everyone that helped Lachlan celebrate his first birthday. Ben & I can hardly believe he is one! Lachlan is growing up so quickly, he has given up his bottle and baby food in exchange for sippy cups and table food. He is cruising around with ease now & has taken as many as 6 steps before falling. No doubt he'll be walking very soon. He likes to chat, but Da Da and Dog are the only words we can make out. As you'll see in the pictures, Lachlan had his first trip to the beach and even rode the carousal. Here's the link to the photos:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Spring is here!

After about a month of struggling to crawl, Lachlan's not only crawling but also pulling himself up into a standing position. He really enjoys going out to restaurants. He sits nicely in his highchair and eats little finger foods. To the left is a photo from Mother's Day. Now that the weather is warm, we've been spending some time outside & he loves that. Hopefully, we'll have some beach photos in the next post!
Here's the link to all the photos from the past 3 months:
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

January / February 2009

Hi Family,

We welcomed in the new year, and are now deeped in the duldrums of winter. Luckily, we have Lachlan to keep us laughing and on our toes. Lachlan has really come a long way in the last two months, and can now:

- When positioned, sit-up
- Eat solid (well, what passes for solid in terms of baby) food in his high-chair
- Play with plastic toys
- Parallel park a 24' Ryder moving truck

We have posted some pictures and also some VIDEOS! Liz was awesome enough to get the family a really cheap video camera that takes half decent pictures (curse that Chinese ingenuity!). Anyway, we apologize for the lapse in posting, but hope to do soe more often as we just got a new computer. These go all the way back to Christmas, so bear with us.